Educational Psychologist


Writing Retreats



They say one of the most intimidating things to face as a writer is the blank page. Through my own personal experience and my research into the psychology of productivity and writing, I have ample experience busting through the external and internal barriers that gets in the way of our writing. 

With so much unstructured time, it was difficult for me, as it is for many writers, to prioritize writing and to actually sit down and write. Taking dedicated time away from your daily life is one of the best ways to focus on your writing, learn new tools and techniques to keep yourself on track, and to help yourself get back on track when you fall off.

While I am an academic writer, the experience you will have and the skills we will develop can benefit writers from all fields and genres.

In the writing retreats, you have the opportunity to take time away from the stressors and distractions of life and focus on your writing. The retreat includes:

  • Daily individual and group writing sessions

  • Daily meditation to start your day balanced and centered

  • Daily group coaching sessions to discuss and unpack barriers to your writing

  • All meals and lodging

  • Ample outdoor time (weather permitting) in a beautiful, remote setting

  • A community of other committed academic writers, dedicated to their writing and to supporting others



Enter your information below for information about upcoming Writing Retreats